These question are from one customers, these answer are from Sysvideo:
1.Don’t you have any 16CH NVR for 16 1080P cameras or 16 3MP Cameras?
Our SN7232 and SN7832 can support 32ch 720P or 16ch 1080P, the total bandwidth resoures is 128Mbit, its also support 3MP and 5MP camera, but if you want to use 16ch 3MP camera, you need to reduce the bitrate or frames of cameras.
2.Don’t you have any 32CH NVR for 32 1080P Cameras or 32 3MP Cameras?
We also have NVR for 32ch, 64ch 1080P or 32 3MP cameras, but it is Intel X86 system, not ARM system, you can visit our website for more information. Intel X86 NVR is more strong, but the price is high much than embedded ARM system.
3.Do you have any 360 degree IPC?
Yes, we have, this is a 6MP 360 degree dome camera.
4.Do you have NVR with people counting?
Our embedded NVR don't support this function, but you can buy our professional CMS software (we are NUUO partner).
5.Is the IMS200 support not only DVR/NVR but also IPC? If yes is it support also recording of the IPC?
It is only support DVR / NVR, but you can view, record, set IPC video through manage NVR.
6.I saw in the website you have free samples what exactly is it include?
Yes, we can give one free 720P bullet (SC6811B)or dome camera (SC6911B)sample for professional distributor or integrator. Youself need to pay the shipping charges, in addition, if you want to more sample, you need to pay the money.